Request for Quote – Author Support Services

When we start a new project, we begin with a questionnaire. This is just intended to get a baseline.

This is any other name or alias you may use as an author.
Please separate with commas and semicolons (e.g. Title1, 60000 words; Title2, 45000 words)
Please separate with commas and semicolons (e.g. Title1, 35 images; Title2, 10 images)
(NOTE: It is important to have your book proofread before enlisting our book formatting services, to avoid potentially expensive and constant changes due to spelling and grammar mistakes)
Your book will need an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in order to be published. Typically purchased from Bowker or Thorpe-Bowker.
Please separate by commas and semicolons (e.g. Jaws, You'll never go in the water again; Title2, tagline2)
After the title and the book cover, your description is the most important book marketing material. The book description goes most prominently on the back cover, and the top of your Amazon page.
Front matter includes the foreward, preface, dedication, acknowledgements etc. Whereas the back matter includes the author bio, bibliography, afterword, the 'author's call to action' etc.